Thursday, March 1, 2012

Three Things Thursday - Blog Lovin

So, tomorrow is my 1 year blogiversary!  I meant to post this last Thursday...oops!  My 1 year blogiversary was on February 24, you can read my first post here.  Weird right?  I can't believe I've been up to this for a year and that I'm still doing it.

I really had no intention for my blog other than to document training for my first marathon to try and hold me accountable for making sure I ran every week.  I had NO IDEA what kind of blog world was out there and the huge community of super awesome ladies (and some men!) that I would meet virtually and even in person.  After actually running a marathon I thought about just pulling the plug on the whole blog and going back to regularly scheduled life but I felt like I would be letting down my now 38 google followers and whoever else happened to read this little gem on the internet.  Plus I really feed off all the energy from other blogs and get REALLY excited when people comment on mine so I figured I would keep it going.
My FIRST half marathon in 2008
My FIRST marathon in 2011

So, in honor of my 1 blogiversary I want to share some blog lovin to those blogs that I've fallen in love (is love too strong a word?  I promise I'm not a creepy stalker...) over the past year and you should read them if you already aren't.  Since there is NO possible way I can just pick 3 blogs for 3 Things Thursday I'll do three categories.

1. Running Blogs
  • The Runner's Kitchen - literally the very first running blog I found and started following
  • Redonkulous Runner - another blog I followed early on and a person I would LOVE to meet in person
  • SkinnyRunner - mainly because I'm convinced she is actually a robot because of how much she runs every day
  • These Happy Miles - She ran Chicago too and helped me stay motivated
  • Hungry Runner Girl - because I wish I could eat like she does and stay that skinny :)
  • Blonde Ponytail - this Washington girl is a fitness guru and she has awesome workouts and videos to try new things
  • Losing Weight in the City - I just like how real this blog is and how finding time to workout and eat right is sometimes near impossible
2. Food Blogs - evidence can be found under This is What I Eat
  • Meals & Moves - just read it, Janetha is awesome and she has some great recipes!
  • Daily Garnish - even though she is vegetarian I still love every single thing I've made of hers
  • Peas and Thank You - I'm not a vegan or a mom but this lady is hilarious and I've made MANY MANY things from her blog and cookbook and you should too!
  • Can You Stay For Dinner - food photography...enough said!  Plus I've made her lemon sugar roasted chicken about 10 times now and I never get sick of it.
  • Chocolate Covered Katie - if you are ever craving something sweet but want it to be on the healthy side head to Katie's blog for tons of inspiration. I've made these and these and this!
3. New (to me) Blogs - these might not be new but they are new to me and they were all recently added to my google reader - add them NOW!
  • Running with Spatulas - I'm pretty sure Alie and I would be BFF's if we didn't live in different countries :(
  • paleOMG - Juli is hilarious!!!  And I've been thinking about going paleo for a while so her recipes are making it sound like a darn good time.
  • Clean Eating Chelsea - all around good readin
  • Once Upon a (L)ime - she makes cocktails with Nuun...enough said
Oh wow, that is a lot of blogs and don't even think for one second this even covers a fraction of the list running down the side of my google reader.  I will never confess how many blogs I follow :). 
FACT: I do love blogs and coffee and together they make for a great weekend morning or unproductive first hour at work...not that I do that!

So, where is this blog going in the next year? I have no idea, but for right now I'm having fun in this blog world and I intend on staying for awhile.

Question: What is a new to you blog you just started following and that I should follow too?

1 comment:

  1. Happy blogiversary!!!! You should have one of those nuun cocktails to celebrate!!!
