Monday, February 27, 2012

Are you a Cheetah or a Lion?

Okay, readers, get ready for some for some of the cheesiest motivation you'll ever hear.  I went to a spin class on Saturday and the instructor is always throwing out motivational one liners and trying to pump us up...which I secretly love.  We were about to start our last work track for the class and it was all about Africa.  The song was super weird and I tried to find it on YouTube but couldn't...but trust me it was weird!  But the weirdness of the song isn't the point...before the song came on the instructor told us to decide if we would be a cheetah or a lion for the 7 minute song.  We could either by a little slower but stronger like a lion or super fast like a cheetah.  I actually pondered it for a second deciding if I wanted to bike super fast and have my heart pound out of my chest or go a little slower and stronger and feel like my legs were going to fall off...I decided to go the way of the cheetah.
Are you ready for the cheese?  As the song was starting and the instructor was telling us to choose our animal for our song he said:

"If you are going to be a cheetah don't CHEAT" and
"If you are going to be a lion don't LIE"

I honestly couldn't contain my laughter, but luckily I was in the back row so I don't think he heard me.  He even admitted that it was super cheesy but it actually kind of makes sense.  He was basically saying that no matter what you do don't cheat yourself or lie to yourself.  No one is going to really know how hard you are working out and only YOU can go as fast as a cheetah or as strong as a lion.  I think this makes sense for any fitness related goals you may have and probably tons of other life goals, but I'm not getting THAT deep.  It's up to you to run a little harder, a little farther, lift a little more weight, hold that plank a few seconds etc etc etc. 

Are you all inspired to workout as hard as a cheetah or lion today? :)

And now for the boring what I did last week stuff that is really just so I have a place to look back at all my workouts since I can't seem to keep any sort of workout journal for longer than one week!  Like I said last week I didn't have a real plan for working out, just sort of went with how I was feeling and I still did pretty well.

February 20-26, 2012
Monday: Chest & Tricep weights + bike for cardio
Tuesday: Back & Biceps + elliptical cardio
Wednesday: 4.9 mile run with Carol outdoors
Thursday: REST day - I even had my gym clothes on and everything but couldn't get myself out the door
Friday: Shoulders and 3.0 mile treadmill run
Saturday: Spin class plus BodyFlow class - great combo!
Sunday: 6.0 mile run with the pup outside followed by many glasses of champagne and appetizers while Oscar watching

I hit all my goals for the week minus lifting weights for my leg region of my body but my legs were pretty sore from the 15K plus hike the previous weekend so I called that my strength for my legs. 

I would like her arms please (source)
not her arms...too skinny! (source)

This week I plan on doing more of the same just going with the flow but I'm going to attempt to follow another one of Jamie Eason's strength routines just to change it up and try to run 3 times.  I need to start channeling my inner Lion for runs for a while since the Mercer Island Half Marathon isn't exactly flat and I haven't been doing too many hills lately...

Question: Are you a lion or a cheetah?  Have you heard any insanely cheesy motivational lines lately that you actually secretly love?
Do you think Stacey looks more like a lion or a cheetah? :)

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