Sunday, September 16, 2012

Whole Living Cleanse - Week 2

Sorry for being somewhat silent on the blog lately. I've been trying to take this time during the cleanse to just relax and enjoy some time alone and it has been glorious!  I'm currently more than halfway through this 21 day plan (Week 1 recap here) and I'm still feeling good.  Let's recap quickly shall we?

WHAT have I been eating:

Much more this week since I get to add legumes and seafood.  Salmon never tasted to good and being able to eat hummus has helped fill me up much quicker!  Breakfast has still been a smoothie and lunches have mostly been salads.

Salmon with avocado salsa and steamed broccoli
Roasted chickpeas that you should go make RIGHT NOW
I am not ashamed to say I ate the whole batch of chickpeas in one day and I have another batch in the oven right now.  This week also came with some temptation in the form of FAIR FOOD.  Normally I would indulge is all fair offerings like I did during my recent trip to Minnesota but I just packed lots of good food (including the entire batch of roasted chickpeas) and managed to take in all the smells without eating.
What the Puyallup Fair is MOST famous for...scones complete with jam and butter!
HOW I've been feeling:

Pretty awesome actually.  Before doing this cleanse I would normally start feeling sluggish and bloated in the mid afternoon and just never felt "normal".  Week 2 has definitely brought back my energy and I feel more balanced...not sure how to describe it but it feels pretty good!

The cravings during week 2 were definitely much much stronger and I've found myself wanting a piece of bread, a pumpkin spice latte, some cheese, a piece of chocolate, etc. etc.!  But I have resisted and found other ways to curb salty and sweet cravings. 

All my friends have been really supportive of the cleanse when I tell them about it and they are usually really curious about it and how I'm feeling. I even went to a bachelorette party this weekend and one of the attendees made all the food and made TONS of stuff I could eat including a bean salad, hummus, shrimp and even an avocado/cucumber gazpacho!


Yes, my energy has returned so I made it to the gym a couple times and even attending the grand opening of the Bellevue Flywheel studio for a free spin with a couple of my flygirls, Stacie and Rebecca. This was the second class we all attended together (we missed you Sarah!) and we all wish we were rich and could go to Flywheel everyday.
Week 3 brings in eggs and gluten free grains so the meal options are pretty endless.  My partner in crime for this cleanse and I have already been talking about what our first meal after the cleanse is going to be.  Some combo of pizza, froyo, pumpkin spice lattes, cookies...

Question: What would you crave the MOST being on a cleanse or food restriction diet of any kind?

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