Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Motivation...where for art thou?

Hello motivation? Where did you go?  I'm not usually one who doesn't look forward to hitting the gym or going for a run after work but last week and this week are proving that wrong.  I managed to fit in two runs while I was at my parents for Easter but both runs felt forced and not much fun.  I did fit in some fun hiking with the fam though, so I guess that counts for some fun exercising :).
Me and the brother
Me and the father. I can't believe Stacey is actually sitting here, now if I could just get her to look at the camera.
BUT...I need to find some motivation and fast.  You see, I'm part of my first blogger team for the 2012 Mt. Si Relay on April 22.  There is no way I can let my new BFF's down because these ladies rock and I want them to think I'm super cool.

  • Ricole Runs - The organizer behind our team "Bloggers Do It Online". I'm not sure what the (sometimes) in her blog header means, this girl runs all the time!
  • Lindsay On The Go - This girl has no shortage of motivation...running while managing blood sugar is no joke!
  • Mom vs. Marathon - Busy mom to a super cutie who just keeps running faster and faster with each race.
  • Musings of a Runner Girl - I already know this girl is going to be fun when she responded "I have three sparkle skirts" as we were deciding on a team uniform.
I don't want to scare these ladies too much by listing off everything I know about them, so I'll save that for the race recap when I can share their deepest darkest secrets ;).

Since I know I can't run on my sub 2 hour half fumes for much longer here is my plan to stay in running shape for this relay so I don't embarrass myself.  

Lar's two week plan to kick relay as$ - week 1 (April 9-15)
Wednesday - 3-5 miles with Sonia
Thursday - Strength plus treadmill sprints
Saturday - 9 mile long run

If I happen to find my motivation during this week I might sneak in another run somewhere.

Question: Do ever give yourself a week off from exercising without feeling guilty?  

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