Monday, April 16, 2012

Kick Mt. Si Relay Butt Week 2

I was going to put AS$ in my blog title but I thought even with the $ sign that still wouldn't be appropriate. Plus, I'm really not a swearer :).

Since I decided to publish my running schedule for the world to see last week, I actually completed all the runs (sort of...) and it is all thanks to the power of the internet and staying accountable.

Week 1 of my really long 2 week training plan recap:

Wednesday: Ended up doing 3 miles with Sonia around the park, super leisurely pace just chatting the whole time.  Cooked an amazing pasta dinner after that I actually couldn't wait to eat the leftovers of!
Thursday: Did some weight at the gym followed by a quick and dirty treadmill speed session that went a little like this:
  1. Warmup for 5 minutes at 6.0 mph
  2. 30 second sprints ranging from 8.0 to 8.4 mph
  3. 30 second rest on side of treadmill
  4. Did 15 sprints
  5. Cool down walk for 5 minutes
  6. 20 minute sweatfest!
Friday: REST which included wine tasting happy hour on a friends porch and seeing Titanic 3D in IMAX, which was AWESOME!
Saturday: Thought about doing 8-9 miles but the weather was too beautiful to not include my running buddy pup and she is old so 6 is her limit so I used that as an excuse to just bust out 6 miles.  I can talk myself into anything!
Sunday: 4 mile hike to Rattlesnake Ledge.  Highly recommend as a moderately easy hike up to a gorgeous viewpoint.
There was no peace and quiet at the top of this mountain, it was littered with people!

Stacey enjoying a dip at the end of the hike.
Lar's two week plan to kick relay as$ - week 2 (April 13-22)
Monday: Strength plus 3 miler on the tready mill
Tuesday: Strength
Wednesday: Strength plus treadmill sprints
Thursday: Strength plus non treadmill cardio
Friday: Run with friend (don't know how long)
Saturday: REST
Sunday: RELAY day with my new BFFs!

I still haven't had time to even look at my runs for this relay but I know I'm running less than 10 miles total and it is on flat trails.  I've never really run on trails except hard packed gravel on the Burke Gilman trail...I need to remember to keep my eyes to the ground to watch out for tree roots and large rocks.

Question: Any trail runners out there?  Any tips for me?  

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