Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 11 - Marathon Trainin Recap

Have I really been working this hard for 11 straight weeks?  Week 12 will make 3 solid months of running my butt off!  In some ways I think the time has flown by but when I always thought of how far away the marathon was it seemed so long...well not anymore.  3 weeks until the Chicago Marathon.  The weather is turning into fall across the country and I couldn't be happier, I'm just hoping it doesn't decide to revert back to summer or skip into freezing winter anytime soon.  

Week 11 was good, I felt strong and actually looked forward to my runs or exercise after work.

Monday - 5.0 miles SUPER EASY + Yoga - DID IT
Since I could run the 5.0 mile out and back on the Burke Gilman trail with my eyes shut in my sleep I didn't bring my garmin on this run.  Just me and the pup and my legs felt really strong for having run 20 miles only two days before...yeah for ice baths and proper stretching! I followed the run with a 20 minute Exercise On Demand yoga sesh.

Tuesday - 6.0 mile run with repeats x4 - 6.0 mile tempo run
56:00 - 9:24 pace
I was feeling the need for speed on this run so I warmed up for about 2 miles and then picked up the pace and ran miles 3 and 4 at about a 9:00 mile.  Mile 5 was about 9:20 and mile 6 was a little under 10:00.  It felt good to pick up the pace and remind myself that I can run faster than 10:30/miles since I feel like that is all I do with all the mileage associated with long runs.

Wednesday - Personal trainer - DID IT
I made the mistake of telling Sara I didn't have to run an insanely long run this weekend so she kicked my butt with a 12 circuit routine.  1 minute for each exercise, repeat circuit 3 times.  The circuit including horsey which is demonstrated in the video below.  After I did horsey for the first circuit my heart rate was sky high and never went down for the rest of the hour!

Thursday - run with Sonia - 3.25 mile run
33:00 - 10:00 pace
What a random distance you say?  Well my running plans fell through and I really didn't want to run 5 miles on the training plan so I just went out running with no plan in mind and ran 3.25 with the pup.  I finished the evening by making Peas and Thank You Thai Fried Rice which was delicious!

Friday - REST - Body Flow class
I have been meaning to take the Body Flow class at my gym forever and decided to use my lunch break to do it today.  It is a great mix of yoga and pilates and it wasn't too hard but provided some great stretching, hip opening, and core strengthening that I need.

Saturday - 13.1 mile long run - DID IT
2:10:00 - 9:55 pace
In honor of all my bloggy friends running half marathon's this weekend, I decided to run my own half marathon.  In order to truly make it feel "race like" I decided to pick up the pace a bit from my normal long runs and I felt strong the whole way.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a medal or post race food at the end :(.  It also helped that Fall decided to arrive in Seattle over the weekend so it was cool and cloudy the entire time...perfect running weather!

Half marathon runners - go check out their recaps!
Christy at My Dirt Road Anthem
Kerrie at Mom vs. Marathon. She SMOKED her sub-2 hour goal!
Mel at Tall Mom on the Run
Runner's Kitchen 

Sunday - REST - DID IT
Today was me day! I went and got a new haircut, bought some much needed work clothes and met a good friend for a late lunch.

Total Mileage: 27 miles
Total Strength: 1
Total Yoga: 2...woohoo! 

Marathon Training Week 12 - Say It Do It - September 19-25
Monday - 5.0 miles easy!
Tuesday - 6.0 miles - run last half faster than first
Wednesday - Personal Training
Thursday - 5.0 miles moderate
Friday - 12.0 long run
Saturday & Sunday - REST!  I have a friend from Cali coming into town so we are going to play all weekend!

Question: How on earth to do you decide what to pack to wear for a marathon where the weather could potentially be unpredictable?  I'm thinking about just shorts and a tank and I know I'll eventually warm up right?


  1. I have no idea how to prepare for an exceptionally hot or cold marathon, all I have is my sleeveless race shirt and my nike tempos. Let's hope for 60 degrees and cloudy!!

  2. I have to admit that I wasn't sure I could read your training recap. I'm trying not to sulk about being injured, though, so I made it over. Great training week! Enjoy your taper!

    I take a pair of men's tube socks and cut off the foot part and use them as arm warmers. They are cheap so I don't mind throwing them away as I warm up out on the course.
