So, this post has nothing to do with running (except what I just ranted about above). Here are three things I'm excited about this week:
Three Things Thursday - NO RUNNING!
1. Fall TV is back! For every 10 minutes I'm out running each day (darn...I talked about running again!) I'm probably watching 30 minutes of new TV a night. My DVR is starting to fill up again from all the new shows and I get excited for a lazy evening in front of the TV when I get a chance. The shows I'm most excited for returning this season:
LOVE Parenthood...and I'm not even a parent. |
Guilty pleasure #1...I was OBSESSED with the original 90210 so I can't help but watch this one. |
GLEE! I heart Will Shuster! |
2. Being a tourist in my own city! This weekend I get to play host to a close friend from high school/college and her friend who has never been to Seattle. I'm excited to play tourist/host for the weekend and our plans include lunch downtown, Pikes Place Market, the waterfront and a Seahawks game on Sunday.
Last year's December game where I FROZE, at least Sunday will be warmer, now if only they could pull off a win? |
3. Accomplishments at work: I apologize for this being ridiculously vague but I have to keep some of my life private, but I taught myself how to do something at work this week that I've been working hard on for a couple days and when I was successful I did a little happy dance in my cubicle...I hope no one saw.
Okay, I can tell you it involved figuring out how to get satellite imagery data on this ball of educational fun |
QUESTION: What is one thing you accomplished this week not related to running? Because remember, we aren't talking about running right now.
I am sick of running to a point now too :) I'm ready for race day. 2 weeks from now we will be celebrating!