Monday, January 12, 2015

Getting in My Groove

Settling into living in a brand new city has taken a bit longer than I expected. Of course I really had nothing to judge it on...the only other times I've moved it was to college or to Seattle where I moved in with friends and already had tons of friends! It took me a couple of months to realize that staying active is what makes me happy and that is how I want to meet people...big fat duh I know considering that is exactly how I've made some of my great Seattle friends over the past few years...I'll just blame the stress of moving ok?

This week I am most definitely learned what a legit winter looks like living here on the East Coast and how Washington DC actually freaks out of snow MORE than Seattle…I thought that was literally impossible but it’s true.  We had our first snow/super freezing temps  last week and I think kids didn’t go to school for like three days with about 2 inches of snow on the ground.  Add the threat of freezing rain this morning and add another snow day.  Of course the weather was not great motivation for my first week of Rock and Roll DC half marathon training but I managed to get outside for two runs and I’m certain I won’t go out in temps like that again!

I did one 4 mile loop around the National Zoo Tuesday evening that left my toes numb and my face burning.  I attended my first Fleet Feet group run Saturday morning and the only thing that motivated me to go was meeting new runner friends. The temps were a “feels like” under 10 degrees for our whole run and I realized I need to invest in a pair of fleece lined leggings if I want to survive that again. BUT, I did meet a pretty nice girl and we share running goals so I think she will be a great buddy to have along during this training. We completed a little over 7.5 miles winding our way around downtown DC. 
Seen on my run outside the National Geographic Museum

Not enough layers on...
My goal this week is to get outside 3 times to run which should be doable since temps are supposed to come back up into the 40’s by the end of the week…downright balmy if you ask me ;). 
Other than running I’ve been enjoying yoga and strength classes at my neighborhood fitness studio, Stroga (Strength+Yoga…get it!).  The yoga is pretty darn fantastic and I can’t remember that last time I was as flexible as I am right now since I’ve been going at least 2x a week for the past month or so.  Add a couple strength boot camp classes and I feel like I’ll be one strong runner this year!
Along with all this physical fun I’ve been making an effort to eat cleaner, especially during the week.  Moving to a new city and walking by amazing restaurants every single day made my first couple months here a bit more indulgent than I was aiming for so I’m trying to get back into a routine.  Meals each day have been almost identical, making it easy to prep and just heat up each day. (egg cups with ham) (tuna salad)

A reminder that the next 8-week I Quit Sugar program starts January 22 and I’ll be sharing some food pics along the way! If you want access to the yummy recipes you’ll have to join before January 22…totally worth it. 
My goal for this week is running 3 times which shouldn’t be hard since I have a hills run with my Fleet Feet group Tuesday, hashing Thursday (will do a blog post on this once I fully understand it…google if you don’t know what I mean) and then Fleet Feet long run on Saturday. My mom is visiting for a long weekend so I’m doubtful much more running than that will occur.  
Have a great week all!

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