Thursday, June 12, 2014

Keeping the Seattle Rock and Roll Streak Alive!

Surprise! I'm running the Seattle Rock and Roll half marathon next weekend! For fear of being executed if I break any bib wearing rules I'll refrain from telling you how I procured said bib ;).  But let's just say I'm insanely happy I will be keeping my Rock and Roll streak alive and running it for the 6th year in a row! Also, those who have actually read my blog since the beginning might remember my first half marathon ever was the Seafair half in 2008, replaced with Rock and Roll in 2009.

2008 Seafair Half, so many moons ago!
You can read my past Rock and Roll recaps here (I wasn't blogging yet in 2009/2010):
 I'll be running it with my partner in running crime since 2008, Lindsey (aka EY) who has also ran every single Rock and Roll Seattle to date!  She ditched me in 2012 and 2013 after we started together when I had to use the bathroom. She pinky promised she would not do this year and I'm holding her to that cause I would really like company for the entire race please?

At the start line in 2013 before she ditched me ;), I still love you EY!
I have no goals for this race, other than treating it like a Ragnar training run and trying to keep my habit of back to back runs on the weekends alive for training. This whole I Quit Sugar program should be an interesting experiment to see if I can really live without some sort of sugary fuel during the half.  I plan on bringing my own Nuun (sugar free!...just another reason to love it) to have on the course and have some sugar free fuel ready for me after I cross the finish line!

I really do love this is always well run, the Seattle course is pretty scenic and challenging, the bands are awesome, and running into friends along the course is always a highlight for me.

So, who will I be running into this year?? Let me know if you are running and what corral you are in. EY and I are in corral 5 which is WAY too fast for both of us, but the heck...we get to start earlier, which means finishing earlier and then we can eat brunch faster ;).  And make sure to say HELLO if you see me out there, I'll be rocking some combo of Ragnar and Nuun gear!


  1. Awesome! I haven't run the Seattle Rock n Roll only the Seattle half in November. Too hot for me;) Good luck and have fun!

  2. Fun!!! I love that course!! Wish I was going to be there this year!! Good luck!!
