Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Government Shutdown So I Played!

So, some of you probably figured out (via twitter and instagram) that I am a federal employee...big news huh ;).  Without going off on a political rant or anything (this ain't that kind of blog!) I will say I am thankful to FINALLY be back at work.  I will, however, not be thankful to any member of Congress for missing a deadline and shutting down the government even though they figured it out eventually.  I am super super lucky because I will actually get paid for Congress taking their sweet sweet time to actually pass a budget, but unfortunately there are MANY others that will not get paid lost wages for the past 16 days.

Just in case you are interested in reading about the impact of this shutdown on the economy (SPOILER: $24 BILLION LOST!) check out this article:

After sitting around the house for a couple days watching CNN like it was my job I finally decided to try and make the most of my time off and do something!  Because in reality, I will probably NEVER have this much time off in a row again before retirement (scary thought!).

Here is what I did with my unexpected free time in photo form...enjoy!

Celebrated the soon to be arrival of baby Ellie with my childhood friend Annie and my mom!
I got an iPhone and promptly took my first photo ;)

Went to the Seattle Aquarium with this cutie!
Did some hiking in Eastern Washington while visiting my parents
Watched the Sounders get their butts kicked :(

Went to the Seattle Symphony for the first time.

Hiked up to Tiger Mountain!

Babysat an adorable miniature pincher...much to the dismay of Stacey!

AND...on October 17 all things resumed in the real world and I went back to work.  It is good to be back!

And maybe now that I'm back to my normal routine I actually blog about promises :).

Question: Did the government shutdown affect any of you??

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