Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jasyoga - Yoga for Athletes (and those who like to drink)

I have been meaning to tell you all about the best discovery I made here in my little corner of the United States this summer...JASYOGA!  This comes as no surprise if you follow me on twitter or instagram as I've been chatting and posting #viewfrommymat pics for a while now but it deserves some more attention.

First of all there is the whole philosophy behind is simply yoga for ATHLETES.  I'm not talking hard core, sweat dripping down your thighs holding intense poses for minutes yoga.  I'm talking about STRETCHING and relaxing yoga.  The owner of Jasyoga, Erin, knows that all athletes work hard all week long at whatever their sport happens to be.  She also knows that they likely never stretch or take time to relax and "hit reset" as she likes to say.  I admit the first time I took a class I thought "well that wasn't a workout at all!"  BUT, you have to go into it realizing that you are doing your workouts on your own all week and this is your 1 hour a week to just stretch parts of your body you didn't know even needed stretching and holding those stretches for probably 100x longer than you would on your own.

I have been hitting up their outdoor studio at Greenlake almost weekly:
Exhibit A
Exhibit B

Weather pending, next Tuesday, September 24 will be their last outdoor studio sesh of the year.  6:30 Greenlake across from Starbucks, pay what you want <---how awesome is that!?

And then there is their super creative events that combine yoga and all sort of other amazing things:

Run, yoga, donuts
Yoga in a brewery, with a DJ and then beer...I mean why hasn't this been done before!!
Yoga and wine tasting with the fabulous owner/yogi Erin on the far right!
I'm seriously considering never doing yoga unless it involves alcohol or donuts after from now on!

I always feel perfectly stretched and relaxed after every Jasyoga session and would be perfectly content curling up on my yoga mat for a nap after each class...would that be weird?

Jasyoga doesn't have a studio but they do regular classes at Always Running and do special series and events all the time.  Start following their blog to keep up to date and I hope to see you at the next yoga party! Rumor has it another yoga and beer event is in the works for October.  Sorry for all my readers not in the Seattle area, as soon as Erin decides to franchise this genius business I'll let you know ;).

Question: Do you incorporate yoga into your weekly workout routine? What do you do to "hit reset"?

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