Thursday, August 29, 2013

2013 Hood to Coast Relay - Part 1

Before we start, if you want to read every single blog from every single #nuunhtc runner you should see the list from Lindsay at Twisted Running...thanks for doing all that work Lindsay!

Okay, here we go with the actual running of Hood to Coast with Nuun.  I know there are some firm blog beliefs that you shouldn't split your recap up but I don't care...I want to capture all these memories for myself so it's comin at you in 3 parts...maybe'll have to stay tuned for that!

For all of you who forgot I was runner 1 for Nuun Team Lemonade.  We also had a Team Watermelon and a Team Cherry Limeade (super super speedy lady team!).  Before I jump right into the running I must photo document the awesomeness that occurred before the relay.  Nuun arranged it so all the teams were together for a day and half of bonding that included all sort of fun.  It was a great way to meet people on other teams and although I tried really hard I don't think I met all other 35 women!

Side Note: These posts are going to be insanely picture heavy, there is just too many good shots to leave anything out!

Wed evening before bowling party! (Me, Jesica, Kristen, Leslie, Kara, Sarah)
Thursday morning Greenlake run and Oiselle HQ visit! (Holly's hair, Catey, Me, Kara, Kim)
Thursday afternoon duck ride #onaduck
Team dinner at Nuun HQ
Van decorating! Team Lemonade Van 1 ready to go!

So many activities and we haven't even started on our way to Mt. Hood yet!

Bright and early Friday morning Jay and I picked up our van ladies from the hotel and made our way south to Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood.  After a couple pit stops along the way we arrived about an hour ahead of our start time.  We filled the time picking up our packets, applying Nuun tattoos, taking the obligatory Mt. Hood pics and me starting to get slightly nervous to actually start this whole thing off!

Having fun before running!

Posin on a mountain!
Van 1 at the start line!

Megan was starting it off for Team Watermelon and since we had the same start time we were excited to race down the mountain together!

Leg 1 - 5.64 miles - 2000 FEET elevation loss

I was the most nervous about this run after hearing it is the hardest leg of the entire course (although after seeing Dre climb multiple mountains I don't quite believe that).  I was worried my quads, knees, and everything else would start hurting a mile in and the whole run would be painful...IT WASN'T! Megan and I stuck together for about the first few miles but her pace started getting faster and I didn't want to overexert myself on the first run so I held back a bit.  My Garmin wasn't charged so I ran naked but would have LOVED to see my mile splits :(.

Stolen from the race photogs, but did actually purchase a print version ;)

The run is literally down a mountain until about mile 5.25 and then you run flat into the exchange.  I felt like I was running pretty fast the whole time but still in control.  I didn't have any pain until the last 1/2 mile where my calves started cramping up a bit.  I came sprinting into the exchange and as soon as I started walking my quads were like "WHAT THE F! DID YOU JUST DO!"  Luckily walking it off some more seemed to straighten them out a bit.  I started thinking "that leg wasn't so bad, I wonder what all the fuss is about?"  Well I ate my words when I was more sore than after my marathon for the days after this relay ;).

UPDATE 9/4: Had to include these photos from Lisa because I actually look decent while running in them...hard to do folks!

I'm coming Leslie!
The handoff to Leslie

I wasn't wearing my Garmin but I came in around 46:00, that is a 8:08 pace <---fastest I've ever run! 

Leg 1 done!
Of course I'll leave it to my teammates to recap the rest of all our first runs but the rest of the time was spent cheering our butts off for Lemonade and Watermelon and having fun at the exchanges together.  Eventually Watermelon got super speedy and was far ahead of us but it was nice to hang out with them for awhile!

Lemonade and Watermelon Van 1 ladies!

At the first major exchange with peeps from all the teams! #teamhollyroberts
Side story: Right before that big picture above was taken a random man came up to me and some other ladies and said "Is Holly Roberts on your team? I'm her stalker!"  We all kind of looked at each other suspiciously and later found out he was some guy from southern Oregon trying DESPERATELY to get Holly and her friends to run his relay.  Eventually he found her and he took the photo above for us and then immediately got on the phone and told someone "I just saw Holly Roberts and her team!".  We shared many laughs about it and collectively called all the Nuun teams Team Holly Roberts for the rest of the relay...good times!

Lemonade and Watermelon Van 1 headed to Portland for some dinner before starting our second runs.  I thought I was fueling properly but heading to dinner I felt insanely dehydrated (which considering I was running for Nuun was pretty darn embarrassing!) and started getting nauseous...a feeling that didn't go away after eating :(.  I think I may have underestimated how hard running down a mountain at top speed really would be on my body as a whole...oopsie!

Get ready for TMI during my second leg recap, it may or may not involve a code brown...a re-occuring theme for most of our second runs.

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