Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Triumph Turned Tragedy - Boston Marathon 2013

I've thought a lot about what I could post after the tragedy that unfolded yesterday at the Boston Marathon and then thought about not posting anything, but I have a blog, I write stuff, I have feelings about this so why not share them in an attempt to provide some therapy for myself and maybe others.

At first I was filled with such pride watching the elite runners cross the finish line from my desk at work Monday morning and then obsessively waiting to hear people I knew had finished - CONGRATS to Mason and Meaghan!

THEN, I was actually at home having lunch watching The Chew when it was interrupted with a news broadcast.  I admit I was a little pissed at first, I wanted to see the recipe of the day on The Chew! The second the news came on and showed the bombing at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon my heart immediately went a million miles an hour and tears flooded my eyes.  I immediately thought of the people I knew racing and spectating and became paralyzed with fear for what was unfolding before my eyes.  The news was NOT censoring anything and seeing blood stained sidewalks in MY country was way too close to HOME!

Thanks to the wonders of social media (thank you Twitter!) I discovered everyone I knew that was there was safe within minutes, but from the images I saw on the TV I knew there was no way this was the case for every one spectating or running the marathon in Boston.

Following the flood of news reports coming in and hearing about amputations, deaths and stories of heroism I found myself reflecting back onto my marathon finish in Chicago in 2011.  I had TONS of friends and family there supporting me and would have never believed such a joyous day could have the potential to turn into a nightmare.  I was texting with my cousin who cheered me on yards from the finish line (like so many at Boston) and we both were feeling nostalgic and sad at the same time.

Cousin and her son post race in Chicago

Running buddies and best friend cheerers
I absolutely HATE that this completely senseless act of terrorism took away joyous marathon memories for so many people yesterday!  I hope that the thousands of people who realized a dream come true just by running the Boston Marathon yesterday will be able to remember the wonderful community of runners, spectators, and especially those who sprinted to the aid of those hurt during the bombings.  Don't be afraid to take pride in your accomplishment yesterday because we can't let this act of terror ruin everything that makes running, marathons and the United States still a wonderful place to live.

I'm proud to wear my 2011 Chicago Marathon shirt today to remember Boston today and even more proud to be part of such an amazing community of runners that continues to inspire and amaze me every single day!!


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