Thursday, April 4, 2013

2013 Nuun Hood to Coast Application

BREAKING NUUN NEWS: Hood to Coast application deadline extended through the weekend, you now have until Sunday, April 7


I could not be more excited about the potential chance to run Hood to Coast with Nuun this year.  I hope all my readers and especially Nuun know that I already consider myself to be VERY lucky when it comes to everything I've been involved with with Nuun over the past year.  Of course I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you that running Hood to Coast with Nuun would definitely be the high point of my relationship with Nuun if I was chosen!

Without further ado, here is my video application for the 2013 Nuun Hood to Coast team.

Special thanks to LindsayOnTheGo for some great feedback (and more pun ideas!)

Phew, that was a lot of work...super fun work though!  I had virtually no experience with iMovie until this project so I had a pretty big learning curve and every time I would throw a new picture or transition in there I would learn something new.  I also learned that video taping myself is super awkward and even after writing about 20 different scripts, just winging it and being myself was definitely the right way to go.  Some things to NOT pay attention to in the intro:
  • Dogs playing and whining - in one take they were squeaking toys so I figured a little whining wasn't going to be noticed :)
  • My "running career" - no idea why I think I have a running "career" but it just came out so I went with it.
  • The fact that I'm not looking at the camera...I was looking at myself in the computer screen, call me selfish!
Running is fun, running a relay is funner, running a relay with amazing lady bloggers is the funnest!

Mt. Si Relay 2012

2012 Ragnar Relay Northwest Passage
Question: Who else applied?? Link up your application here if you want and I'll compile a big 'ol list!

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