Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sedona Sun Here I Come!

Get me out of here...

And get me here...FAST

Of course I've been stalking the weather, since earlier this week is was actually snowing in Sedona, but looks like the sun and warmer temps come back to play just in time for me to arrive...thank you Sedona...thank you!

The Sedona Half Marathon is on Saturday morning so I think we will have some super cool sunny temps to guide us through the hilly red rock scenery.  So, what about goals for this race?? I think this twitter convo between me and my travel buddy sum it up quite nicely...

I'm not sure what Sonia's PW is but mine is my first half marathon at 2:35.  I've gotten much speedier since then so it might be really hard to actually get a PW, but I'm sure going to try :).  This half also marks my 10th half marathon since I started running in 2008!

SO excited to see this lady and celebrate her BDAY this weekend!!

I'll be back next week with pictures of sun, red rocks and probably lots of wine and beer drinking.  In the meantime if you want to be jealous of me while I'm gone follow me on Instagram and Twitter!

AND...good luck to Sarah who is also running a half this weekend down in sunny can be jealous of her too!

QUESTION: Anyone else out there racing this weekend?  Or in my case, going on a slow 13.1 mile jog ;)

1 comment:

  1. Have so much fun! We are going to FL in a month. Can't get here soon enough!
