Thursday, April 26, 2012

Race Recap: Mt. Si 59 Mile Relay Part 2

I realize I've left all of you waiting in suspense for way too many hours after reading all the excitement that was part 1.

Where did we leave off?  Oh yes, half way done...yeah!  It was back to the top of the batting order to do it all over again.  I have to admit only having to run twice was soooo nice after only running 3 leg relays in the past where you are often running your 3rd leg on little to no sleep.  Being energized for the last leg of a relay was so refreshing!

It was starting to get H-O-T for all of our second runs.  And by HOT I mean 70+ degrees which is practically melt down for us frigid Pacific Northwesterners.  We stripped down to shorts and tank tops, chugged Nuun, and blasted the AC when we were in the bloodmobile.  SIDEBAR: Nuun Kona Cola is the most amazing flavor ever...I heard a nasty rumor they were out of stock right now but make sure you grab some when they have it.

Leg 6 - Lindsay + tag long Nicole - 4.4 miles
Nicole is crazy and training for a marathon so she needed some extra miles and kept Lindsay company during her second leg.  Zoe, Kerrie and I zipped to the next exchange and awaited their arrival with a bubble fight.

Lindsay is DONE, Nicole realizes she still has to run 7.1 more miles...hehehe!
Leg 7 - Zoe - 7.1 UPHILL miles
Zoe literally ran 7.1 miles joke.  The description of the run actually says "Enjoy the gradual climb!".  While Zoe was sprinting up a hill we went to the next exchange at Rattlesnake Ledge, where I hiked last week!  It was 100x more crowded and we made up our own parking spot on the grass and my nerves began as I was about to run again.

4 kills, even on an "effing hill"

my super scary "go" face, Kerrie is clearly better at these than me!
Leg 8 - ME - 4.1 miles
Tiara handoff and I was out on my last run for the day...yipee!
Rattlesnake Ledge
Running directions stated "a simple out-and-back up the John Wayne Trail".  I should have paid more attention to the "up" part of that statement and it wasn't until I was about a mile into the run that I realized "yep" this is all uphill.  I was wondering why my legs felt like lead and why I thought I was running 12 minute miles.  Luckily, that meant the whole way down was down hill and I breezed in to the exchange in no time!

The best part of this run was seeing all the 50 mile racers, they were on mile 40ish.  It was so inspiring watching them all still running and they definitely pushed me to run harder than I normally do.

4.1 miles - 34:00 - 8:17 pace

Leg 9 - Nicole - 7.1 miles
Nicole was lucky enough to come back down the hill Zoe ran up so we knew she would speed into the next exchange in no time so we booked it back to the Two Rivers School exchange.  I took an awesome baby wipe shower and felt like a new person again!  We passed the time cheering on the 50 milers, and watching someone dry hurl after running into the exchange to which his friend replied "you aren't running hard enough unless you throw up at the end."  I guess we have different ideas of a good run :).

Over 17 total miles for the day!
Leg 10 - Kerrie - 3.4 miles
Kerrie was an awesome anchor and sped off to the finish line a little before was super HOT!
Leg 10 go face...she looks like she is about to beat down some runners!
We headed to the finish line and found it surprisingly full of people, a few vendors and an announcer actually calling in all the runners and teams. We watched some 50 miler and 50K runners finish and found out that the first place 50 mile runner came in around 7 hours!  IMPRESSIVE!

Kerrie crossed the line exactly at 3:00PM and just like that team Bloggers Do It Online was done!

59.0 miles - 8 hours, 30 minutes, 14 seconds - 8:38 pace

I can't even put in words how much fun this experience was.  It really is amazing how close you become to some great girls by spending a whole day doing something you love together.  We spent the rest of the afternoon reminiscing, taking photos, eating and sleeping!

We already have grand plans to run sometime in the very near future again...Zoe - when are we doing that midnight run? :)

QUESTION: How many of you out there really really want to run a relay now?

1 comment:

  1. I want to run with you guys again this weekend!!!! Are you going to the Seattle blogger meet up next saturday??? Come run some of my 20 miler with me. Pretty please?!?!
