Thursday, February 2, 2012

Three Things Thursday - Recipe Edition

I've been making a pretty big effort to cook more at home and make recipes that I find online or come up with in my head.  I thought these were worth sharing and you should make them all this week!

1. Lemon Sugar Roasted Chicken by Can You Stay for Dinner?:
I've probably read and heard a million chefs say that you can't get the most delicious moist chicken breast without cooking it with the skin and bone on so I decided to finally try it.  I bought one chicken breast at Whole Foods and followed the recipe above but cut the ingredients for the "sauce" in half.  I just put veggies I had around the chicken (brussel sprouts and sweet potato) and baked as directed.  It was FANTASTIC!  The bite of the lemon juice with the sweetness of the sugar was really delightful.  The sauce ran over into the veggies creating a lemony sauce for them as well.  If you are really watching your diet just remove the skin before eating...I may have removed the skin but it went right into my part!  I imagine you could do a whole chicken this way...that will be my next chicken adventure.

2. Roasted Vegetables with a Maple Mustard Dressing:
I mostly made this recipe up with the help of a recipe from a cooking class I took last year.  I think it would work with lots of vegetables but I had brussel sprouts and butternut squash so I roasted those with some olive oil, salt and pepper and then made the following dressing that is just a tablespoon of everything:

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1 tablespoon grainy mustard
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Whisk it up and pour over cooked veggies.  I actually don't even like mustard but I LOVE this idea why.

3. And for dessert we have Four-Minute Coconut Macaroons by Chocolate Covered Katie:
This girl has some seriously good and good for you desserts on her blog and the best thing about them is they usually make a really really small amount...perfect for someone like me who will just devour any sweet in front of me no matter how many of them there are.  These were ridiculously easy to make and I didn't even drizzle them with chocolate, although I will next time! She has tons of recipes that make single servings so when a craving hits you know where to go.
Worst picture ever but just wanted to show what they should look like coming out of the oven...specks of brown on top...gooey delicious inside!
Question: Did you make anything from one of your favorite bloggers this week?


  1. I think that first chicken recipe might have to be tried out soon. Looks absolutely delicious.

  2. wow yours looks a lot nicer than mine....and that mustard dressing sounds YUM! I am always surprised at how much flavour mustard can add when cooked.

    I make recipes I see on blogs all the time. the latest were the chicken parm by sarah and the baked chickpeas by simply life :)


  3. I swear I always seem to read blogs with food around lunch!

    I'm guessing you're a better cook than I am from the looks of the pics :)
