Tuesday, November 22, 2011

LiveFit Week 5 Recap

Week 5 was the start of Phase 2 and it basically added one more day of working out plus cardio.  I would be lying if I told you I worked out 6 days, I didn't.  The program has you doing legs 2 days a week and since I have other fitness commitments during the week I figure it doesn't hurt to miss it.

If you are dying to read previous recaps you can read about week 4 and week 3

I'm actually really starting to see changes in my body and my pants are fitting a little looser, which is definitely motivating me to keep going with the program.  The LiveFit Trainer was introduced about 4-5 months ago so there are tons of people who are already done with it and you can see some results on Jamie Eason's facebook page....check em out!

Here is what week 5 looks like in the plan:

Here is what I did:

Monday: Back & Cardio
Back included doing pullups, something I've always wanted to be able to do unassisted so I'm glad the plan includes these.  I still need quite a bit of weight to help me out but hopefully each week I'll be taking more and more off.  Cardio included a 30 minute treadmill workout I found in my latest Oxygen magazine, I will share later!

Tuesday: Chest & Abs & Cardio
We are up to 15 pushups at a time now which  can actually do semi-easily, although the 3rd set of those was pretty painful.  For cardio I went to Element 5 for a boot camp style workout and ended up doing more pullups...yikes...abs and everything in between!  I was SORE the next day.

Wednesday: Legs
Oh squats!  Lots of weighted squats and lunges in the leg workout in phase 2.  I started having some slight right knee pain which I now remember from weighted squats and lunges from years ago, so I might take it a little lighter on the weights next week to prevent any injuries.

Thursday: Arms & Cardio
I didn't get to the abs portion of the workout because I was distracted with a free 10 minute massage at my gym, well worth it!  Cardio included 2 back to back indoor soccer games where my team got crushed!

Friday: REST
I took a half day on Friday for a very important event
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1...this is NOT Bella's wedding dress BTW
And I was in such a Twilight daze I went home and watched the first movie that night...NERD alert!

Saturday: Shoulder & Abs & Cardio
I tacked on the abs from Thursday's workout and did the same 30 minute treadmill workout from Monday for cardio.  It is a great moderate intensity cardio workout which is exactly what Jamie prescribes in Phase 2.

Sunday: REST

I actually had every intention of starting week 6 on Sunday but Saturday night I went to a wine tasting event...enough said!

20something wine event with my ladies!
Me and my bro and his porn stache
Week 6 is going to be pretty mixed up and I'm sure I won't get all the workouts in since it's Thanksgiving and I'll be traveling to my parents, but that's ok...I'll give it my best try.

QUESTION: Any one doing a local Turkey Trot out there?  I just signed up for the 5K in my hometown, it's my first race since the marathon and I've run about 3 times since then so we'll see how it goes!

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