Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 13 - Marathon Trainin Recap

It's the final countdown!! As I'm typing this post I'm realizing that one week from now I'll be a marathoner!  I can honestly say at this point I'm not really stressed out about it and I'm actually just excited to get to the start line.  I feel confident in my training and know at this point there is nothing more I can do to train.

Let's recap, shall we? Side note: Sorry for the lack of pics this'll have to be entertained by my words instead.

Monday - REST - DID IT
Wasn't feeling well today, so took it easy and decided on an extra day of rest.

Tuesday - 5.0 miles +YOGA - Just 5.0 miles
49:00 - 9:50 pace
Coming off a really bad long run on Friday, I was actually kind of nervous to run but I got my mojo back and the run flew by.  The pup even came along on this one and I'm proud that she kept up with the slightly quicker pace in her old age.  Yoga fail for the day.

Wednesday - Personal Trainer - DID IT
It was my last session with Sara and I really wish I could afford to keep her every single week for the rest of my life.  This last session consisted of lots of weighted lunges, pushups, tricep dips, and a really really long plank walk plus more core work.  I truly believe Sara has helped prepare me for this marathon more than I probably realize and I'm super thankful to her!

Thursday - 3.0 miles - DID IT
29:00 - 9:39 pace
Took the pup again on this run and we kept the pace up the whole time.  It felt pretty amazing to only run 3 miles.

Friday - BodyFlow - REST
Couldn't leave work for enough time to make the class so made it a rest day.

Saturday - 6.0 miles slow - DID IT
Didn't take the garmin or ipod.  Just me, the pup and the open trail.  I realized during the run that Stacey, my four-legged friend, ran all my training runs with me this week.  Needless to say she has been sleeping well this week!

Sunday - REST- DID IT
Went to Issaquah Salmon Days with my brother and couldn't believe HOW crowded it was.  It was so crowded no one could barely get a cell phone call to work, all the activity was overloading the towers.  Excellent people watching including a man with a snake and a lady giving out free haircuts...why didn't I have my camera when I really needed it?

Good taper week!
Total Mileage = 14 miles with the pup in tow
Total Strength = 1...last personal training session...tear!
Total Yoga = NONE...major fail

This last week of marathon training is going to be all about super short runs, stretching, hydrating and eating a well balanced slightly carb heavy diet all week.

Marathon Training Week 14 - Say It Do It - October 3 - 9 
Monday - 3.0 miles easy as pie
Tuesday - DO YOGA!
Wednesday - 3.0 miles easy as pie
Thursday - Rest and travel to Chicago
Friday - Rest and have fun in Chicago!
Saturday - Rest and begin stressing out about Sunday
Sunday - 26.2 miles...CHICAGO MARATHON!

I'm sure you are all dying to know what my goals are for the marathon, so stay tuned for my thoughts on goals for my first marathon in the next couple of days.

Also, according to it is going to be 73 and sunny on race day...I will not stress out about the sun and heat, I will not stress out about the sun and heat.  I will be grateful it isn't snowing, pouring rain, or 100 degrees.

Question: What are some of your pre-race crazy dreams?  I actually haven't had one yet but I know I'll have at least a dozen where I can't get to the start line on time or find my outfit.  My friend (who will remain anonymous since I didn't get permission to publish her dream online) had a dream last night that after the first 20 miles of the race the rest of the race was a maze!

1 comment:

  1. I always have marathon nightmares. My most recent was that they scheduled the marathon the same day as a bunch of street festivals. Chicago always has tons of these throughout the summer so it's not a far stretch ;) I had to dogde in and out of all these people and there were a ton of food stands and bands to listen to. Haha!
