Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 9 - Marathon Trainin Recap

Week 9 was a tough one, not gonna lie.  I'm getting a little burnt out running so much and I had to talk myself into every run this week.  BUT, I did them all, so that is what matters most.  I think the fact that I have completed every run on my training plan to date (yeah!!) motivated me the most since the end is in sight.  In fact it's almost a month away!
Wasn't feeling too strong this week but I can fake it

Monday - REST - DID IT
18 miles on Sunday means NO movement at all Monday and I didn't move a muscle. My legs weren't sore at all but they were just tight and tired so I spent most of my evening on the couch and then on the floor doing some stretches.

Tuesday - 5 mile easy run + Element 5 Boot Camp - DID IT
49:00 - 9:48 pace
I set my alarm to run 5 miles in the morning but when it went off at 5:30 it was pitch black..oops, I forgot it was almost fall.  So I ran after work with the pup and then high tailed it to boot camp class that consisted of lots of burpees and other things that I can't remember because there were so many burpees! 

Wednesday - Personal Trainer - DID IT
It was very unwise to go to a boot camp class the day before my personal trainer but I managed to do most of what Sara threw at me.  She brutalized my legs since I told her I didn't have a super super long run that weekend.  I did box jumps for the first time and realized that they look easy but they ARE NOT...after the session I could barely walk home my legs were made of a good way of course :)

Thursday - 6 mile run- DID IT
1:00:00 - 10:00 pace
My legs were really really tired but I'm glad I did this run because I have a feeling it gave me a glimpse into what it might feel like at mile 22 on the marathon.

Friday - 10 mile long run - DID IT
1:40:00 - 10:00 pace
Got the long run out of the way before the holiday weekend and it was nice to only run 10 miles for a long run this week.  You know you are marathon training when a 10 mile long run is like a walk in the park

Saturday - REST - DID IT
Went to visit my mom in Eastern Washington and spent the day wine tasting with friends!

Sunday - 5 miles - DID IT + 3 mile hike
48:00 - 9:30 pace
Perfect sunny, but cool morning in E. Washington and I decided to push it a little.  Later in the afternoon my friend and I climbed Badger Mountain.  It is a 3 mile round trip climb in the desert and we sweat out the glass of wine we had for lunch an hour earlier.

Total Mileage: 26 miles
Total Strength: 2
Total Yoga: none..oops again!

Marathon Training Week 10 - Say It Do It - September 5-11
It's the BIG week...the 20 miler run is coming on Saturday and I am determined to be very ready for it by resting, taking it easy during mid week runs and eating right.

Monday - 5 miles easy
Tuesday - 6 miles marathon pace
Wednesday - Personal trainer
Thursday - hills or speed workout with running buddy Sonia - run is her call!
Saturday - 20 mile long run
Sunday - Go to YOGA!

Finish this sentence: You know you are training for a marathon when _____


  1. great job this week! i'm ready to be running those long ones like you!

    don't be afraid to skip a run if you are nearing burnout! it might do you more good than the run :)

  2. Congrats on an amazing week! Crazy to think in 5 short weeks we'll be crossing the finish!

    I know I'm training for a marathon when I start noticing the people who have colds and staying as far away from them as possible, and also thinking to myself on a day like today in Chicago (which required a sweater) how nice it would be to have race day weather just a little cooler and more overcast than it was today.......

    Cheers to a new happy training week!

  3. Oh yes the weather!! I'm seriously very worried about the weather but I'm trying not to think about it because I know I can't control it. I saw on the news it was cool in Chicago today and I thought the same thing as you!

  4. Wow, that was a fantastic training week! I'm getting super frustrated with marathon training myself. I really want to enjoy all the fall 10ks and marathons...

  5. Great training this week! That personal training session sounds like a beast of a workout!

  6. You know your training for a marathon when you utter the words 'I only ran 12 miles... it was a cut back week' and people look at you like you are nuts!!
