Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mid-Week Motivation

Hi All!  It's Wednesday, half way through the work week and I'm already thinking about the day I get to finally sleep in and I have to wait until Sunday since I have to get up at the crack of dawn Saturday to swim in mud and jump through fire at the Warrior Dash.  I really hope I come out of it not injured and without mud stuck EVERYWHERE!

I can't remember where I saw this photo, probably someone's blog but I love it and it helps get me out the door when I think I'm too busy to run sometimes.  ENJOY!

I'm on track so far for marathon training week 2!

1 comment:

  1. that's an awesome reminder! they are having a warrior dash where in TN for the first time soon... i want to do it! but it sounds kindy too crazy for me haha
