Saturday, April 2, 2011

Like Christmas morning!

Adidas Supernova Glide 2
The other day as I was casually going about my normal workday, responding to emails, chatting with my co-worker about how hard it is getting to not have sweets for lent, etc., etc….a package was delivered!  

Getting a new pair of running shoes is like Christmas morning, okay, I’m exaggerating a little but I do probably get overly excited.  If you would have told me 3 or 4 years ago that I would search the internet to find the best price on my very particular running shoes and browse the sale racks of running clothes at every clothing store I entered I would have said “keep dreamin!”  
Stacey never misses a photo op!

So today I will be saying goodbye to my old pair of Adidas Supernova Glide shoes and hello to my brand spanking new blue ones.  My red Adidas have got me through some good races including two 10k’s that I ran in under an hour. I’m sure after one run in this rainy Seattle weather they will look like my old shoes in no time!

Advice on Running Shoes

Disclaimer: I’m NO expert on anything running or shoe related but this is just MY experience.
  1. Go to a running store and get fitted for shoes.  I went to Road Runner Sports the first time and they analyzed my gait and found out where I put pressure on my feet to determine I need a neutral shoe.  Then you just try some on, run on a treadmill, and pick the best for you!  
  2. Go ahead and splurge on that first pair at the expensive running store and once you know what works for you, you can search Nordstrom Rack, and beyond for that next pair (I got my latest pair of last years model for $65 bucks…sweet deal!). 
  3. Buy good socks!  I know it may scare you to buy socks that cost $8 or more a pair but believe me they make a difference when distance running.  I run in the Road Runner brand socks (and pretty much all their clothing for that matter) and they have never failed me.

So, when do you replace your running shoes?  There is tons of advice and rules on this subject that say 300-400 miles per pair or 6 months or whatever…but who actually tracks how many miles they run in a shoe, I’m not that serious!  I usually wait until my toes or feet start aching in my current shoe and immediately place an order for new ones, but like I said I’m no expert, so do what works for you. 

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.  I just got back from a delicious dinner at Kath's house and some NCAA Final Four watching.  I'm rooting for UCONN in the final!  Kath made an amazing cooking light recipe, Gnocchi with Shrimp, Asparagus and Pesto...super easy and super delicious.  Tomorrow I'm off to run a 6 miler in my new shoes with Stacey (the human friend, not the K9).
Bye bye shoes...we've had some good times!
QUESTION: Do you find yourself planning your weekends around getting a long run in?  Sometimes I feel like the planning that goes into preparing for a long run and making sure you actually  have some fun with friends on the weekend is slightly stressful.


  1. UCONN?? What is the matter with you? Do you KNOW where Butler is????

  2. Your blog almost makes me want to start running again! :)

  3. Good should start running again! I told you I'll come run the Indy half if you do it.

    I'm rooting for UCONN because that is the only team anyone in my bracket has left...I know where Butler is ;)

  4. Nearly every weekend revolves around 'the long run' for me for the last few years! It's tough but the dedication pays off! Nice new kicks hope they treated you well on your weekend run!
