I clicked submit on my Nuun Hood to Coast application...YIKES! I'll post it here once the deadline has passed.
I ran 6 miles two days in a row (not on purpose) and my legs didn't fall off or feel like death after. I have been a tad worried my lack of running has led to a sharp decrease in running fitness but I think all the strength training I've been doing is making up for it. The spring-like weather helps too!
Okay, back to this delicious recipe!
I'm not sure I've claimed my love for Evolution Fresh on the blog before so here we go!! Evolution Fresh is the makers of those super delicious but pretty expensive juices that Starbucks sells. Well since I am lucky enough to live in the land of Starbucks they opened up Evolution Fresh stores here...one conveniently (not for my wallet) located right down the street from me. Not only do they have amazing juices and smoothies, they also have these delicious bowls of goodness that you can customize to make your own...everything is super fresh, super healthy and made only with whole food ingredients.
Exhibit A - simmer bowl with buckwheat noodles, butternut squash, kale, feta, veggies and lemon tahini dressing
Exhibit B - kale, roasted red peppers, carrots, butternut squash, rice, quinoa, feta and lemon tahini dressing
Every single time I go I pretty much get the same thing consisting of kale, quinoa or rice or noodles, butternut squash, veggies, feta and the lemon tahini dressing. SO much flavor packed in that bowl. When I'm craving something hot I get it simmer style where they add a broth to the whole thing.
Now, believe me I would go here every single day for lunch if I made about 3x more than I currently do, but I don't so I made up my own version of my favorite Evolution Fresh bowl. It is super easy and super customizable. This is my standard way of making it. I could be fancy and break down the cost for you but I'm lazy...but I can promise you it is WAY cheaper than going and buying one of these $9 bowls everyday ;).
Poor Man's Evolution Fresh Bowl
Serves: 4 Lar sized lunches
Bowl of goodness!
Here are the steps...personalize as you go!
Pick a protein - I choose tempeh this time around and all I do is cube it up and saute it in a little coconut oil until golden
Pick a grain - I have this awesome rice/quinoa mix from costco and I make a single batch which ends up being about 4 servings
Pick a green - Trader Joes has the most amazing options for greens these days! I usually get their bag of kale already cut up and ready to use but lately they have this Power Greens mix that I've been loving
Pick a dressing - Trader Joes strikes again...my dressing OBSESSION is their Green Goddess which is a tahini based dressing
Throw in veggies - anything you have in your fridge that sounds good...mine can include carrots, tomatoes, roasted red peppers, cucumber...seriously whatever you have!
Fancy it up with some cheese if you like...or better yet...a runny egg!
Step 1 - Tempeh for protein
Step 1 - sautéed in a little coconut oil
Step 2 - my grain choice
Step 3 - pick a green - this is a delicious nutritious combo from TJ's
Step 4 - pick a dressing - this one is the BEST in my opinion (source)
Throw in your veggies and extras and VOILA!
So to recap, protein, grain, green, dressing, veggies, extras...BAM! Delicious and healthy lunch or dinner. I usually prep the protein and grain one night and then have lunch for most of the week. Lunch comes together in less than 5 minutes, can't beat that.
Question: Do you have a quick healthy lunch that you live off of most weekdays?
First off - thank you all for your suggestions on local races to run over the next few months. I'm going to look into all of them...there were quite a few in there that I've been meaning to run but just never remember about them!
In other news...it's Friday...TGIF! Not much has been going on in the land of marathonlar lately, especially in regards to running so I apologize for the lack of even remotely interesting posts...as soon as it turns to Spring around here I plan on getting back into that running thing because I have BIG PLANS to "hopefully" run this mother of all relays this year...
I know, many of you are saying..."wait that race is sold out!" Well if you are a lady blogger you too have the chance to run this epic relay with none other than the best hydration choice around (yes I'm buttering Nuun up!).
I realize I have been EXTREMELY fortunate to already be a part of the Nuun family, but I'm hoping they haven't gotten sick of me yet and want me to join them on this adventure as well. YOU should apply too. You can find details on their blog post but bottom line is you need to be a lady blogger and not run Hood to Coast with them before. Applications are due April 5 and then you have to wait a torturous week and a half to know if you've been chosen.
So get your creative hat on and get working on that application! You can all make fun how much of a dork I look like on camera next week when I post mine :).
Other news you need to know (although not even remotely as important)...Groupon has a $5 for $10 Starbucks gift card right now. If you are anything like me, Starbucks is a morning necessity and I'll take any excuse to get my fix a little cheaper.
Question: Who else is applying for the Nuun Hood to Coast Team? Anything else I need to know this Friday? ... besides why on EARTH it is snowing in Seattle on March 22!
So...I had this entire post drafted as a Five Things Friday and never pushed the publish button...oops...so now it is a 5 Things Monday for things I was excited about last week/weekend...lame I know, but I can't let a blog post go to waste now can I?
Just pretend it is Friday ok?
1. This Vegan Mediterranean Stew - specifically all the leftovers I'm going to be eating ate all weekend! I made a few changes to the recipe including using a quinoa/wild rice mix I had instead of buckwheat groats (what the heck are those anyways?). I also added a can of chopped artichoke hearts. Next time I would use crushed tomatoes instead of whole ones, those big pieces were annoying to me.
from Instagram (marathonlar)
2. GOOO SOUNDERS!! - As the proud 1/2 of a season ticket holder I get to go to the match up tomorrow between the Sounders and the Portland Timbers...rivalry time. After their disappointing home opener I'm hoping I get to see a big WIN tomorrow night. ---> after a Sounders score in the 13th minute the game was looking great until literally the 90th minute the Timbers tied it up...SO SAD!
Molly and me at the first game
3. Neon Trees- I knew I like this band from some of their latest hits but after seeing them open for Maroon 5 last Monday night I immediately downloaded their whole album from iTunes. Plus their drummer is a super bad ass chick who also sings in some of the songs...girl power!
4. Doggy Friends! - Last night Thursday I took that stew over to a friends house for dinner and Stacey got to come to so she could play with Miss Ellie. Stacey LOVES small dogs and the two of them played for about 2 hours straight, we were such proud pet parents taking millions of photos and videos of our babies playing :)
5. Nuun Singlet!! - Originally slated to be shipped in April I received a very welcome surprise when I saw mine shipped this week and one day later it was on my doorstep!! Now I just need a race to run so I can wear it...someone give me one to sign up for k?
I love all the Instagram love for this singlet!!
Question: Who out there is running a race in the next couple of months somewhere in Washington state? I need to run one...mainly to motivate myself to actually run :)
Yeah I know I never do a Workout Wednesday but it sounded good so I ran with it.
There really hasn't been much running going on these days around here, but I'm still trying to keep in shape with other types of working out and circuits are a great way to get in a quick total body workout! I was completely inspired after taking a month of boot camp classes at Riley Athletics, but since I'm not rich and the gym is a little too far from my place for me I didn't join full time.
Lucky for me my good friend Rachel did join and now she can share the workouts with me :). She also started her own blog and describes most of her workouts there...CHECK IT OUT and show her some blog love. She is completing a transformation challenge through Riley right now and seeing some awesome results!
A couple circuits I've recently completed and instragramed about:
You can find this on my Pinterest board "Work It Out"
I realize there is no way I'm probably getting the same intensity of a workout as I would from actually going to a place like Riley, but I'm modifying for my situation and I still get a super heart pounding, sweat fest workout anyways...just minus the screaming encouragement from trainers :).
Yesterday, I completed the most recent workout Rachel posted with some modifications based on access to equipment at my gym. I'll try to break down the moves for you so you can try it at your gym!
I would recommend setting up a station with all the equipment close to you since there is only 15 seconds of rest between each exercise. I'll try to recommend alternative exercises if the equipment is a little different then most gyms.
To START: Perform 35 seconds of exercise 1 followed by 15 seconds rest. I have the app HITT Interval Trainer on my phone and you can set up whatever intervals you want and it whistles at you between rounds. Go through all 8 exercises before immediately starting with 1 again...repeat for 4 rounds. It takes under 30 minutes!!
EXERCISE breakdown:
1. One-leg squat with TRX to a row (if you don't have a TRX just do a one leg squat). Switch legs each round so each leg gets 2 rounds of work
2. One-arm dumbbell row in a plank. Get in plank holding one dumbbell and perform rowing motion with one arm for entire exercise trying to maintain a flat back and balance. Switch arms each round.
3. Kettlebell swing (you could do this with a large dumbbell as well)
4. Half pushup/full pushup - Simple as that, do a half pushup then a pull pushup and repeat for 35 seconds...mixes it up a bit from just doing regular pushups.
5. Cable pull to squat - (if you don't have a cable machine you can probably achieve the same move by holding dumbbells and doing the move)
6. Jump rope - Rachel's workout calls for one legged rope slam so if you have battle ropes at your gym go for it! My gym actually has ropes but there wasn't enough room to use them yesterday while I was doing the circuit. Jump roping doesn't even come close to battle ropes but I did what I could with what I had.
7. Medicine ball oblique twists - hold a medicine ball, take those feet off the floor and rotate back and forth!
8. Reverse lunge with kettlebell swap (would work with a dumbbell too) - hold the kettlebell in one arm and when you lunge back pass the kettlebell under your leg...this video shows it way better than I can describe it.
There you have it, try it...it only takes about 30 minutes. The battle rope area was cleared by the time I was done with this circuit so I made up for missing them by doing 4, 30-second bursts...and I felt like throwing up after each interval, man those things are tough! I cooled down with a 30 minute walk on the treadmill.
Oh man, I made this last night based on stuff I had in the fridge and it was so so delicious I just had to share. Pair it with a protein like chicken or fish and you have a complete, tasty meal!
Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Sweet Potatoes with Honey Dijon Dressing
Serves 4:
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20-30 minutes
For veggies:
~20 brussel sprouts (or bag from Trader Joes) - cut off the little stalk and cut in half
3-4 small sweet potatoes (or one LARGE one) - diced into cubes
1 tablespoon olive oil
For dressing:
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1 clove minced garlic
1/4 raisins
1/4 slivered almonds (I didn't use due to my nut allergy but I think they would be a nice addition!)
1. Toss all your veggie ingredients in a bowl to coat with olive oil and salt
2. Spread on baking sheet
3. Roast at 375 until sweet potatoes are tender - 20-25 minutes
4. Meanwhile, whisk all dressing ingredients together in separate bowl
5. Combine roasted veggies and dressing and add extras
6. Eat it up!
Before roasting!
After roasting!
Question: Do you like brussel sprouts? I promise if you don't and try them roasted with a sweet dressing you will!!
"Like the marathon, life can sometimes be difficult, challenging and present obstacles, however if you believe in your dreams and never ever give up, things will turn out for the best." – Meb Keflezighi